Lifestyle Solutions for a Happy Healthy You!

Superfood: Eat Your Avocado!

Superfood: Eat Your Avocado!


Guacamole lovers, rejoice! It turns out that not only is avocado  super delicious, but you can enjoy your avocado without the guilt thanks to its  mix of healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.

You probably already knew that avocado was a great source of vitamin E, but  did you know that because it’s so rich in antioxidants and the good-for-you type  of fat, it’s also an anti-aging powerhouse? Studies have shown that the minerals  in avocado even help you better absorb other nutrients, like beta carotene. They  also contain a sugar called D-manno-heptulose that helps your skin produce  collagen, which can prevent wrinkles.

It might sound a little bit strange to talk about “healthy fat,” but there  are differences between the type of fat you find in an avocado versus the fat in  something like cheese or french fries. Unlike the saturated fats that you find  in animal products and fried foods, avocados are loaded with monounsaturated fats, which help protect you  from heart disease, and their fiber content can help fight high cholesterol.

Of course, you can eat avocado on its own or mixed into guacamole, but it’s  actually a much more versatile ingredient.

10 Avocado  Recipes

Avocado Tips: Choosing a ripe avocado may seem tricky, but don’t fret! A  ripe avocado gives a bit when you squeeze it gently, but it shouldn’t feel mushy – just tender. You also don’t have to skip the avocado just because you can’t  find a ripe one at the store. Toss an unripe avocado into a paper bag with a  banana. Fold the bag closed, and check it once a day. It should ripen within a  couple of days this way. Once your avocado is ripe, store it in the fridge to  make it last longer.

1. Avocado Corn Cups – Who needs a bowl when you can  eat a yummy, organic corn salad right out of an avocado?

2. Avocado Pudding – This might sound a little iffy, but  avocado makes a great base for pudding! Just toss it in the blender with some  cocoa powder and the liquid sweetener of your choice. If you need more deets, check out these ideas for making avocado pudding.

3. Vegan Avocado Alfredo Sauce – Who needs  butter and cream? Make a decadent alfredo sauce with avocado as the base  instead!

4. Creamy Avocado Potato Salad – Mashed  replaces the mayo in this healthy, tasty side dish.

5. Avocado and Pomegranate Salad – Two  superfoods team up in this delicious salad.

6. Avocado Reuben Sandwich – Talk about decadent!

7. Vegan Enchiladas with Cilantro Avocado Cream  Sauce – I’ve always said that avocado is perfect for mimicking the  creaminess of cheese, and this recipe proves it!

8. Avocado  and Basil Mayonnaise – The avocado base for this recipe gives you  the creaminess of mayo without any high cholesterol eggs.

9. Mexican Pizza – Another delicious example  of avocado standing in for saturated fat-laden cheese!

10. Avocado Lime Cupcakes – The avocado adds a  bit of richness to these decadent vegan cupcakes.

By Becky Striepe

Becky Striepe

Becky Striepe is a green blogger and independent crafter with a passion  for vintage fabrics. She runs a crafty business, Glue  and Glitter, where her mission is to use existing materials in products that  help folks reduce their impact without sacrificing style! She specializes in  aprons and custom  lunch bags. Like this article? You can follow  Becky on Twitter or find  her on Facebook!


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